
Red Superfood – Kiwi Strawberry

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Red Superfood is a super fruit blend of strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, pomegranate, and other potent fruits to form a nutritional powerhouse.

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Formula Ingredient Deck Benefits Of Each Ingredient 
Cranberry Fruit Powder ● Supports cardiovascular health, and immune health, and may combat urinary tract infections (156, 157).
Carrot Root Powder ● Supports vision health, skin health, and immune health, and increases antioxidant support (182, 183).

● Supports antioxidant function via decreased inflammatory cytokines (inflammation), decreased reactive oxygen species, and increased L-glutathione production (master antioxidant) (182,183)

● Supports visual health via increased amounts of plasma vitamin A in macular (eye) tissues (182,183).

● May reduce DNA damage in lymphocytes (immune cells) of individuals who smoke (315).

Raspberry Fruit Powder ● Supports immune health, antioxidant support, and digestive support (21).

● Supports suppression of lipid accumulation (fat build-up) in adipocytes (fat cells) (21).

● Increases total antioxidant capacity by increasing enzymes associated with decreasing reactive oxygen species (superoxide dismutase) (22).

● Increases natural production of master antioxidant L-Glutathione (2).

Acerola Cherry (Vitamin C) ● Supports immune, cardiovascular, skin, cognitive, fat-burning, and digestive health (97, 98).

● Supports immune health via increased oxidant, free radical scavenging, and fueling neutrophilic (immune cell) activity in chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and microbial killing (97,98).

● Supports fat burning by increasing carnitine biosynthesis (molecule required for mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation) (97,98).

● Supports accelerate bone healing after a fracture, increase type I collagen synthesis, and reduce oxidative stress (inflammation) (98).

● Supports reduced DNA damage in the kidney, liver, and bone marrow (318).

Black Raspberry ● Supports immune health, antioxidant support, and digestive support (21).

● Supports suppression of lipid accumulation (fat build-up) in adipocytes (fat cells) (21).

● Increases total antioxidant capacity by increasing enzymes associated with decreasing reactive oxygen species (superoxide dismutase) (22).

● Increases natural production of master antioxidant L-Glutathione (2).

Apple Fruit Powder ● Supports immune health, antioxidant function, and cardiovascular health.

● Supports cardiovascular health via reduced atherosclerotic lesions (319).

● Supports immune health and antioxidant function via levels of naturally occurring zinc, fiber, and magnesium (319).

Pomegranate Fruit Powder ● Supports reduced blood pressure, increased nitric oxide production, immune health, blood sugar regulation, prostate health, and gut health and aids as an antimicrobial compound (170).

● Supports prostate health via high polyphenolic antioxidant levels (three times the antioxidant activity of green tea) that protect the prostate gland from inflammation (170).

● Supports reduced blood pressure via increased nitric oxide production, increased cardiac output (blood flow), and reduced cholesterol levels (170.

● Supports digestive health via combating inflammatory bowel disease (171).

● Supports immune health via reduced inflammatory cytokines (markers of inflammation) throughout the body (171).

Banana Fruit Powder Supports digestive health, immune health, and healthy potassium levels.
Watermelon Fruit Powder ● Supports cardiovascular health, immune health, and hydration levels, and improves aerobic exercise performance (324).

● Supports cardiovascular health via increased nitric oxide production (324).

● Supports aerobic exercise performance via reduced muscular fatigue, improved cellular hydration, and improved lactic acid buffering capability (324).

Beet Root Powder ● Supports cardiovascular, immune health, reduced blood pressure and optimizes exercise performance (87).

● High in antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and anti-inflammatory compounds (betalains) (87).

● Betalains have been shown to inhibit inflammatory pathways (Nuclear Factor-Kappa B “NF-κB”) that manifest in a plethora of chronic diseases (87).

● Increases nitric oxide production optimizing healthy blood pressure and enhanced cardiovascular output during exercise (87).

● Beetroot extract exemplifies anti-carcinogenic activity by inhibiting cancer cell growth mechanisms (cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and tumorigenesis) (87).

Flaxseed Oil Powder ● Supports cardiovascular health, digestive health, healthy bowel movements, and joint health (323).

● Supports cardiovascular health via antihypertensive action, antiatherogenic effects, reduced cholesterol, reduced arterial (blood vessel) inflammation, high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, and inhibition of arrhythmias (323).

● Supports immune health via high amounts of the antioxidant lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (323).

● Supports digestive health via its high fiber content has been implicated primarily in these beneficial cardiovascular actions (323).

Mango Fruit Powder ● Supports immune health via high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C, and polyphenols (320).

● Supports recovery from exercise via reduced muscle damage (320).

Peach Fruit Powder ● Supports immune health and antioxidant function (325).

● Supports immune health via reduced oxidative damage to lipids and reduced inflammatory markers (TNF-α, IL-1β, RAGE, and NFκB) (325).

● Supports antioxidant function via high concentration of carotenoids and polyphenols (325).

Papaya Fruit Powder ● Supports immune health and digestion.

● Supports digestive health via enzymatic support of protein digestion.


Proper Use of This Supplement
Suggested Use:  As a dietary supplement, take two (2) veggie capsules once a day. For best results take 20-30 minutes before a meal with an 8 oz glass of water, or as directed by your health care professional.


Our Formula Vs Other Formulas on the Market.
1. Uses third-party independently tested ingredients that are made in the USA, GMP certified and made in an FDA-registered facility. 1. Source cheap ingredients from heavily polluted soils. Even “organic” supplements not third-party tested have been removed by FDA due to high levels of heavy metals.
2. Uses high-quality nutraceuticals in an effective evidence-based and efficaciously dosed formula. 2. Uses cheap sources of nutraceuticals that contain high amounts of fillers, and heavy metals, and are formulated without evidence-based dosages.

No fillers or animal testing.
No sugar added.
No artificial colors, preservatives, or ingredients.
Contains GMO ingredients.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Weight 30 oz
Dimensions 3.75 × 6 × 6 in


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